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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blown Away

I received two pieces of mail today. I opened them thinking they were bills or junk mail, coming from places that said "payment processing center."

The first one I opened was a check written to me. My jaw dropped at the amount. My young cousin asked that I not tell anybody how much, but I assure you, you would not guess it. She said it's an early wedding gift to help pay for the wedding. If that wasn't already shocking...

I opened the second envelope and it was another check from my aunt and uncle. My cousin's parents. Same outlandish amount. At this point I was not sure what to do or say. I can't even express how it feels.

I can't even believe... I cant even craft all my thoughts together. I called Ben after getting off the phone with my cousin. He was also speechless.

God provides. He not only provides for our needs, he even blows us out of the water. Just because. I am overwhelmed by a desire to bless others even more. I don't deserve this gift and God just blesses despite whether we deserve it or not, because that is His character. To ever think to worry about our finances is an insult to God's provision. I am so humbled by this gift. Humbled that he would desire this for me. Humbled that I would have never expected this gift from them in a million years. Humbled that I just can't know people's hearts. I got blindsided! I feel taken care of. Watched over. Overwhelmed by the generosity of their hearts. Overwhelmed by sacrifice. Loved. I feel so much grace and mercy poured over me.

I vow to pay it forward. I hope I never regret giving til it hurts. And I am sorry if I ever started backing off for fear that my needs won't be met. Even to spoil me like this, what a God. I hope that as long as I have a job I can continue to bless others. Because He first loved me, I can love.

I pray that God will bless them for their gift to us and that He will meet their needs. I hope that if they ever need anything I will be able to help. I look forward to the wedding when I get to see them. I am so surprised that they are also flying in to come. I haven't seen them in years. It is so shocking to me that people are willing to come at such a steep cost to them. Unmerited love.

"Great God of countless wonders, I will lift my eyes" - Chris Tomlin

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