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Monday, July 30, 2012

Devotionals I Am Currently Using

Here is a list of devotionals I am currently going through:

Oswald Chambers - My Utmost for His Highest
Beth Moore - Jesus - 90 Days with the One and Only
Charles Stanley - In Touch (monthly mail devotional)
Briscoes - Telling the Truth (daily email devotional)

I highly recommend all of them!  I did not like Beth Moore before because I thought she only wanted to talk about girls having problems thinking they are not beautiful/other things I considered superficial American-privilege worries.  However, after reading more stuff by her, that is actually not really representative of what she teaches on.  She dives pretty deep in her workbooks, and makes you do a ton of Bible flipping. 

The funny thing about My Utmost for His Highest is that it was given to me as a gift in high school, and at the time, I thought there was nothing there and I disliked it.  I threw it away.  I felt that it did nothing for me in my Spiritual growth.  This time around, after a lot of my own experiences, I am actually very challenged by it, and there are days where I can't agree more with Chambers.  It's kind of crazy how God teaches you life by leading you through it.  When you're young and your problems are small, you think you got this whole thing down...and then you have to experience falling to your knees and seeking God and devouring His word.  After that you forever have alters that you remember...the place where God gave you revelation.

Another one I recommend is Arthur Kay - inductive studies...there are several out there.  I also enjoy for online broadcasts of many Christian teachers.  And the infamous Ravi Zacharias...I purchased his Apologetics DVDs since they were so good.  It's a steep price, but I hope that when my friends come to me with questions I have a good resource.  I could never pretend to speak as eloquently as Ravi :)  They'll just have to watch the DVDs.

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