I said goodbye to my two hens on Saturday morning, to someone from Craigslist with 10 acres. It was sad, and I still move about my day with the assumption that they're in the back yard. I sold my hens, the coop, and all of their supplies because I want to streamline all the different things I do, so I can focus on what God may want me to do. I think that I do too much, and I need to start having concentrated focus. That led me to create a Do Not Do list. I thought about all the things I have going on and what I can deliberately get rid of doing.
The lady gave me $5 more than I asked, and I thought that was super kind of her. I raised $120 from selling my chickens and the materials, and I am putting that toward my Goal of raising $900 to buy CFE study materials. $780 to go! I also am in the midst of opening up my Etsy shop in order to get to the finish line for my goal.
Things I will miss:
-Two fresh brown eggs a day
-Not having to buy eggs at the store
-The hens following us around, the stupid little things they would do
-The craze that came upon them when I came outside with a bag of their Happy Hen Treats
Things I won't miss:
-Feeding them in the morning before work in nice clothes
-The extra stop to my car to put my stuff away before feeding them
-The extra stop into the house to drop off the eggs they laid
-Hosing down the coop and bleaching it every week/two weeks/three weeks depending on when I had time
-The weird squawking noises they would make in the morning when laying an egg or perhaps fending off squirrels (not sure what caused these noises a few minutes before when I am supposed to get up)
-Hiding from them when pulling up to the house, because as soon as they saw me they would start squawking.
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